I’m headed for Guatemala, folks. I’m sort of surprised that I’m actually going but here I am, in the airport, waiting for the next 2 hours because of a flight change. And I’m going to learn Spanish. At least as much Spanish as a person with average intelligence and self-discipline can learn in four weeks.It just sort of happened, in one of those cool – this is what life has for me – sort of ways and I am thankful. It will be good for me to be a student again and to simply step outside of my normal life for awhile.I’ve been learning something lately, and I think it might be a big something.All of the really good and adventurous things in my life have happened because there was an opportunity and instead of being afraid I said yes.Take the opportunity in front of you. No you don’t know what will happen but you don’t know what will happen if you don’t take it either.Experiences are worth much more than their immediate cost. They change you and shape you and slowly, before you know how it happened, you are a different person.But maybe you’re happy about the person you are. Maybe your life is the best it can be.But for me, it is worth it. I like the person I’m becoming more than I liked the person I left behind.So I’m going to Guatemala. I’m taking this opportunity and we’ll see what happens.I think when God gives us an opportunity, He’s disappointed when we ignore it and keep going down the same old path. God is a God of adventure.I’m along for the ride.

4 thoughts on “Of Travel and Opportunities

  1. You must please eat lots of good food for me, namely loaded nachos. And if you’re not ready to come home after four weeks, don’t say you weren’t warned, because I TOLD YOU to go for longer.


  2. Ann!!! You never told me this was happening! Kudos to you, I’m so excited for you! I know you will love it – Guatemala is an extremely beautiful and fascinating country, full of rich cultural history! It will feel like a totally different country even than Nicaragua, at least it did to me. Its people are so fascinating too, Indians with their roots planted into that land further back than recorded history, maybe even as far back as the flood. They’re so very polite and gracious, and just have a quiet calmness about them like they’re just as timeless as the land itself. Antigua is tourist capitol of Central America, so if you have a chance, take a bus and go into the mountains. Another thing that fascinated me so much was how I’ve never been in a country before that had such a drastic mix of modern and ancient! You’ll probably see what I mean. Huge modern highways, better than anything in Nicaragua, go up into the mountains around the city, and you can look out of your car and watch old Indians in traditional dress, plowing the fields right next to the highway just like they have for generations! Boy, I better stop rambling! As you can see, I love Guatemala and am so excited for you, and can’t WAIT to hear all about it!!!


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